
Professional website

Rémi Eté - PhD

Software Developer


About Me

Doctor in High Energy Physics (HEP), I have developed software for a collider experiment called the ILC (International Linear Collider) for many years.

Today I develop software for the industry, as a freelancer.

My work in High Energy Physics had started with my PhD thesis during which I developed a novel particle flow reconstruction algorithm approach based on the tree-like development of electromagnetic and hadronic showers observed in our detectors. This topic implied precise knowledge in HEP but also in scientific computing and in particular in efficient software development.

Then, as a software convener in the ILD collboration, I maintained the ILCSoft framework, the software stack of the collaboration. In addition to the software stack managment, development, maintainance, deployment and user support, I overhauled our main analysis processing software Marlin to take benefit of nowadays incredible hardware power and run data analyses on multi-core machines.

My path led me to the software development for the industry, working for various companies such as Dassault Aviation and Bertin Technologies (ITER project).

Today I develop software as a freelancer.

Programming and skills.

  • 90%
    C++ 11/14/17
  • 90%
  • 60%
  • 90%
    Software development/architecture
  • 90%
    Pattern recognition algorithms
  • 80%
    Graphical User Interface
  • 70%
    Agile methods (SCRUM)

Work Experience

May 2021 - Today


Software Developer - Dassault Aviation & Bertin Technologies
  • Avionic test-bench software
  • IR bi-camera image alignment using OpenCV (ITER project)
  • Architecture design, software development, Qt5 GUI

July 2017 - March 2021

Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron

Fellow researcher
  • ILD software reconstruction convener
  • iLCSoft stack development and administration
  • Development of a multi-threaded version of the Marlin framework

September 2013 - March 2017

IPN Lyon

PhD Thesis
  • Particle flow algorithm development (ArborPFA) in the ILD detector for the ILC project
  • Online data quality monitoring framework development for the high energy physics domain (DQM4Hep)

March 2013 - Aout 2013

IPN Lyon

Master II Thesis

Separation of nearby hadronic showers in the SDHCAL prototype for the ILC project

June 2012 - August 2012

CERN (Geneva)

Master I Thesis

Geant4 simulation of GEM detectors for the CMS group of the LHC experiment

August 2011

CERN (Geneva)


Refactoring of the ILCDIRAC user interface for the LDC group

Proceedings, journal papers and thesis

Proceedings and papers


  • PhD thesis - Développement d’un algorithme de suivi de particules pour l’ILC : outils de surveillance de qualité de données en ligne
  • 2017LYSE1034 (2017)
  • Master II thesis - Séparation de gerbes hadroniques proches dans le calorimètre hadronique semi-digital (SDHCAL) pour l'ILC
  • Thesis document (2013)
  • Master I thesis - Simulation Geant4 d'un détecteur GEM pour l'extraction de la sensibilité aux photons dans le cadre de l'upgrade du détecteur CMS au LHC
  • Thesis document (2012)

Computing projects.


Data Quality Monitoring


Particle Flow Reconstruction


ILC Software stack


For any quotation, please contact me via email


84800 L'Isle sur la Sorgue, France